- In sync with the core source structure update, Testers has been updated with the new driver names with paths.
- The distinction by project (MAME/MESS) has been abolished. From now on, please report them as MAME's.
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Viewing Issues
1 - 100 / 8295
IDVersionDriverCategory [?]Severity [?]Status [?]UpdatedSummaryTester
 05981480.163GraphicsMinorResolved (Mamesick)Jul 8, 2015turbofrc: Sprite priority bugs in some stagesizius
 04405460.143GraphicsMinorResolved (Mamesick)Jul 8, 2015tndrcade + others: Offset issues in seta driversHaze
 04877340.146GraphicsMinorResolved (Mamesick)Jul 8, 2015usclssic: Graphics are shifted.M.A.S.H.
 00317170.105u3GraphicsMinorResolved (Mamesick)Jul 8, 2015daioh: On the attract mode screen with the earth down, there is a glitchy line at the bottom and the explosion is glitched.-Misc Reporters-
 0595930.162SoundMinorResolved (Mamesick)Jul 8, 2015kyros, kyrosj: A few sound FX are missingizius
 0597740.163GraphicsFeatureClosedJul 7, 2015vr: Video aspect is set to 16:9haynor666
 05968440.163GraphicsMajorResolved (Ryan Holtz)Jul 4, 2015gradius4, nbapbp: Most of colours are completly wronghaynor666
 01377N/AOriginal ReferenceMinorResolvedJul 4, 2015jumping: This bootleg suffers from a number of bugs caused by the c-chip protection. Not emulation bug.Frotz
 0568410.154Crash/FreezeCritical (emulator)Resolved (Duke)Jul 3, 2015MESS-specific All sets in coco12.c, coco3.c: It is impossible to Format a floppy disk CRASHRobert Gault
 02798130.128u7GraphicsMinorResolvedJul 3, 2015hardhead, hardheadb: As you can see the colors may not be correctcibomatto2002
 04217130.141u1SoundMinorResolvedJun 30, 2015X1-010 Sound playback is wrong, garbage or wrong pitch in some instances..vidpro1
 05318230.150Crash/FreezeCritical (emulation)Resolved (peterferrie)Jun 29, 2015bm1stmix and other: Error on loading CHD / disk errors_bastian
 03407120.133u3Color/PaletteMinorResolvedJun 29, 2015wownfant: Choosing Easy or Hard causes odd palette problem.Scuore
 04918210.146u1Flip Screen/CocktailMinorResolved (Osso)Jun 28, 2015gulfstrm, lastday and clones: Screen slightly offset left when flippedTafoid
 0180820.125u1GraphicsMinorResolved (system11)Jun 26, 2015lastday, lastdaya: Pressing Service 1 causes credit count to show in service modeLuigi30
 03207190.131Crash/FreezeCritical (emulator)ConfirmedJun 25, 2015tekken3: Tekken 3 (and mame) emulation speed crawls after beating the final enemy.Kin
 0009020.56DIP/InputTrivialResolved (system11)Jun 23, 2015skyfox: Player 2's controls are player 1's control in Cocktail mode/Flip screen.Karasu
 01450220.123u3GraphicsMinorResolved (system11)Jun 23, 2015sauro: There is a priority problem - the line between the skyline and the water surface is in front of some objects.Hebus
 05966120.162Crash/FreezeMajorClosedJun 22, 2015MESS-specific genesis [frogger]: Game hangs after losing all livesAndrew
 03941110.138u3SoundMinorConfirmedJun 22, 2015darkseal2: Cutscenes suffer from glitched-up voice samplesSamurai Fox
 0596720.162SoundMinorResolved (Osso)Jun 22, 2015darkmist: No sound FX and partial musicizius
 04427210.143GraphicsTrivialResolved (Phil Bennett)Jun 20, 2015empcity: Graphics ErrorNightvoice
 02609N/AGraphicsMinorAcknowledgedJun 19, 2015The main program is responsible for sprite clipping but occasional glitches can be seen.-MAME Source-
 03953130.138u4Color/PaletteMinorResolvedJun 19, 2015pzlbreak: background palette corruption when freeplay enabledmoa
 01152220.104u3GraphicsMinorResolvedJun 19, 2015saturn: GFX glitch appears on the left bottom corner after you press the P1 start button.etabeta
 0043930.122u4DIP/InputTrivialResolvedJun 19, 2015aurail: P2 control is not hooked up.-Misc Reporters-
 0286350.129u2SoundMinorResolved (Osso)Jun 17, 2015jjsquawk: Go to Sound Test next BGM play Sound F It will freeze the game (watchdog missing)cibomatto2002
 0106110.61Original ReferenceTypoResolved (system11)Jun 16, 2015rodland: Report from a PCB owner about ROM names.-Misc Reporters-
 0528360.149u1SoundMinorResolved (system11)Jun 16, 2015sparkman, sparkmana: YM3812 has incorrect frequencyMachone
 0595410.162DIP/InputMinorResolved (system11)Jun 16, 2015airattck: Air Attack Dip-Switch infoD Go Go Fan
 0596230.162SoundMinorConfirmedJun 11, 2015gotcha: Music suddenly stopsdarq
 05961210.162GraphicsMinorConfirmedJun 10, 2015gotcha: [possible] Layer offsets.darq
 05960160.162Color/PaletteMinorClosedJun 10, 2015carnival: possible colour issuezaxxon
 0547510.152Crash/FreezeCritical (emulator)ConfirmedJun 10, 2015goldgkitb, michkitb: Hangs after a couple of secondsTafoid
 0595050.162DIP/InputMinorClosedJun 8, 2015mrkicker: The game doesn't restart when exit the service modeScagazza
 0026940.65SoundMinorResolved (system11)Jun 8, 2015gundhara, madshark: Music only comes out of the left speaker. Sound comes out of both.Karasu
 0144320.123u2SoundTrivialResolved (system11)Jun 8, 2015msgundam: the sound effects are only emitted from the left channel.LastNinja2
 0595330.162Crash/FreezeCritical (emulation)Resolved (wilbert)Jun 6, 2015All n64.c and aleck64.c sets: Crash/Segmentation Fault when running DRC (Linux only)shoegazer
 0574980.155DIP/InputMajorResolvedJun 6, 2015MESS-specific c64, c64p - Friday the 13th - All versions: c64 & c64p Froday the 13th - Joy input does not respond properlytrebor
 0575050.155DIP/InputMajorResolvedJun 6, 2015MESS-specific c64 - G. I. Joe - All Versions: G.I. Joe - No response from any Joy input directionstrebor
 0575150.155DIP/InputMajorResolvedJun 6, 2015MESS-specific c64, c64p - Grog's Revenge - All game versions: c64 & c64p Grog's Revenge - No response from joy input direction.trebor
 0575250.155DIP/InputMajorResolvedJun 6, 2015MESS-specific c64 c64p Bubble Bobble - All versions: c64 c64p No joy response for Player 1 controls under a two player game.trebor
 0595220.162InterfaceMinorResolved (wilbert)Jun 5, 2015Hashpath setting in .ini not used/recognized when loading softwareTafoid
 0594210.161DocumentationTrivialClosedJun 4, 2015Vaster and alt sets: infomation about Vaster and alt setsJ.J.Boy
 05943110.161DocumentationTrivialResolvedJun 4, 2015penta: infomation about PentaJ.J.Boy
 05947130.161GraphicsMajorClosedJun 2, 2015solvalou: missing polygons during gameplay.georgc3
 05847120.158Color/PaletteTypoClosedMay 31, 2015MESS-specific cgenie, cgenienz: The colour palette should differ between regions?!demotester
 0585910.159Crash/FreezeCritical (emulator)AcknowledgedMay 31, 2015all aleck64.c sets: [debug] Assertion on LinuxFirewave
 0583410.158SoundMinorResolved (Tafoid)May 29, 2015jumpbug, zigzag: Music and sound pitch is wrong.Fujix
 00424210.55GraphicsMinorConfirmedMay 28, 2015karianx: A slight graphical glich.-Misc Reporters-
 00488110.66GraphicsMinorConfirmedMay 23, 2015hnayayoi: When you win in visual (nudity) mode, the hand which is breaking the paper blind moves too much fast.J.J.Boy
 05938110.161GraphicsFeatureClosedMay 18, 2015kangaroo: Artifacting of 'trees'halloompa
 0594010.161DocumentationTrivialResolvedMay 18, 2015harddriv: Wrong release year for parent set of Hard Drivin'Tempora
 0593710.161DIP/InputMinorResolvedMay 13, 2015gunforc2, geostorm: hang instead of service modeMetalliC
 05924110.159Crash/FreezeCritical (emulation)Resolved (MetalliC)May 11, 2015MESS-specific spectrum: Infinite interrupt service routine loop bugcmonkey
 0593610.161Crash/FreezeCritical (emulator)Resolved (Robbbert)May 8, 2015sammymdl: Crash with exceptionTafoid
 0593510.161Crash/FreezeCritical (emulator)Resolved (Robbbert)May 8, 2015iteagle: Crash/Exception after failed IDE detectionTafoid
 05934340.161GameplayMinorResolvedMay 8, 2015mappy, mappyj: Microwave points do not add to player score correctly in a specific caseTafoid
 059101110.160Crash/FreezeCritical (emulator)Resolved (AWJ)May 7, 2015racedriv: Reset causes segmentation faultNekoEd
 05931140.161SpeedMinorClosedMay 6, 2015janshin: Slowdown when the game uses a wavy line effectizius
 05911140.160CoreCritical (emulation)Resolved (Osso)May 4, 2015harddriv, racedriv, steeltal, strtdriv, racedrivpan: GSP TIME OUT ERRORNekoEd
 05930110.161Crash/FreezeCritical (emulation)ClosedMay 4, 2015mtrap: game hangs after completing first levelB2K24
 0491110.146u1Flip Screen/CocktailMajorResolved (Osso)May 1, 2015All games in darkseal.c: Flip Screen does not work at allTafoid
 0111220.63Crash/FreezeCritical (emulation)ResolvedApr 27, 2015daraku: Enter into test mode, then into sound test; calling some music data will make the game hang.Kale
 0031820.105u4Crash/FreezeCritical (emulation)ResolvedApr 27, 2015gundhara: Go into service mode and choose on BGM_NO.12 up to 1F and everything will freeze up.-Misc Reporters-
 0568010.154GraphicsMinorResolved (Luca Elia)Apr 25, 2015itazuram: During Test mode, graphics corruptionsTafoid
 059030.160DIP/InputMinorResolved (Osso)Apr 24, 2015sf sfj sfua: Street Fighter DIP Switch wrong valueAugusto
 05333250.150GraphicsMinorResolved (Haze)Apr 24, 2015midres & clones: strange sprite behaviourmoa
 0305440.130InterfaceFeatureResolvedApr 23, 2015Have "Quit MAME" in the main OSD menu.AndersH
 0590910.160CoreTrivialResolvedApr 23, 2015empty input tag on validity test errorhap
 0592260.160DIP/InputMinorResolved (Tafoid)Apr 21, 2015pepper2, pepper27: Incorrect DIP labelsxelnia
 0591610.160DIP/InputMinorResolved (Tafoid)Apr 21, 2015dkongjr: Incorrect DIP labelsxelnia
 0590880.160DIP/InputMinorClosedApr 21, 2015Microsoft Sidewinder serial game port doesn´t works!Ashura-X
 0592310.160CompilingFeatureClosedApr 21, 2015incompatible with i386 output ???Ashura-X
 05679120.154Crash/FreezeMajorResolved (Luca Elia)Apr 19, 2015itazuram: After a time of demonstration, game will reset and trash NVRAMTafoid
 0592130.160Misc.MinorClosedApr 16, 2015INP recordings fail when using automatic savestatesrcoltrane
 0592020.160CompilingFeatureClosedApr 13, 2015Error when finishing the 32bit build on last source/git files.Ashura-X
 03174140.131u1Crash/FreezeCritical (emulation)Resolved (couriersud)Apr 12, 2015cardline: Game doesn't start correctlyTafoid
 05917230.160GraphicsMinorClosedApr 11, 2015tndrcade, tndrcadej: Graphics position wrongFortuna
 0591350.160SoundMinorClosedApr 8, 2015kyros, kyrosj: Both sets doesn´t makes any sound!Ashura-X
 0572120.154Misc.MinorResolved (Justin Kerk)Apr 8, 2015MESS-specific sms, smspal: Failed on "SMS VDP Test"demotester
 059120.160TimingMinorConfirmedApr 7, 2015refreshspeed not work if using openglAugusto
 05848470.158InterfaceMinorConfirmedApr 6, 2015Gaming Window Doesn't Center 100% Correctlymameluv
 059050.160Misc.MinorAcknowledgedApr 1, 2015wargods: ThreadSanitizer: data raceFirewave
 0589640.159Misc.MinorClosedApr 1, 2015HLSL screenshot split in 4ange
 0585470.159Crash/FreezeCritical (emulator)Resolved (mahlemiut)Apr 1, 2015MESS-specific 386i, ngenb38: [debug] AssertionFirewave
 0589410.159GraphicsMinorClosedMar 29, 2015wrong ratio for burn-in with vertical gamesange
 05899210.160Flip Screen/CocktailMinorResolved (M.A.S.H.)Mar 29, 2015seicross: Screen is upsidedownM.A.S.H.
 0589110.159Misc.MinorAcknowledgedMar 26, 2015chdman: ThreadSanitizer: data raceFirewave
 058950.159DocumentationTypoResolved (Tafoid)Mar 25, 2015hlsl_write is incorrectly documented as a booleanange
 047091450.145u3CoreMinorAcknowledgedMar 24, 2015chdman: random deadlocksFirewave
 058871N/ASoundMinorClosedMar 23, 2015tumbleb: No sound of the game (music sound) also bugs lags... cuting stutering when u move .... ;pbubamara
 0584630.158CoreCritical (emulator)Resolved (peterferrie)Mar 23, 2015ALT+TAB during ROM loading screen causes assert with -debug.Kale
 0588510.159GraphicsCritical (emulation)ClosedMar 22, 2015[possible] music seems OK! background all ok , but no characters (which you play with) also no enemys on screen!bubamara
 058861N/AGraphicsMinorClosedMar 22, 2015(Wild west cowboys of moo mesa - BOOTLEG) snd ok, background ok (but no characters on screen) !bubamara
 0413820.140u2Crash/FreezeCritical (emulator)Resolved (peterferrie)Mar 20, 2015gradius4: "SHARC: PC Stack overflow !" doing MASKROM checkNekoEd
 0584350.158Crash/FreezeCritical (emulation)ClosedMar 20, 2015barata: When you load the game it just hangs with a black screen.joe35car
 0586230.159Crash/FreezeCritical (emulator)Resolved (peterferrie)Mar 19, 2015queen: [debug] AssertionFirewave
 0588230.159Misc.MajorClosedMar 19, 2015MESS-specific draculax: draculax doesn't startabelenki
 0035330.79GraphicsMinorConfirmedMar 18, 2015jantouki: The game works fine until the score is shown. MAME seem to be unable to remove some tiles graphics in the areaYMI