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ID Category [?] Severity [?] Reproducibility Date Submitted Last Update
09121 Gameplay Minor Always 1 day ago 1 day ago
Tester Augusto View Status Public Platform MAME (Unofficial Binary)
Assigned To Resolution Open OS Linux (64-bit)
Status [?] New Driver
Version 0.274 Fixed in Version Build 64-bit
Fixed in Git Commit Github Pull Request #
Summary 09121: shadowld, youkaidk1 , youkaidk2: strange gameplay
Description Hello.
Emulation for that game is strange if comparing with the arcade.
MAME gameplay use default difficulty rank A settings so as the arcade video capture too.
I had used cheats only to recover energy and jump over top of some enemies. However not using cheats is the same gameplay behavior. That game is hardest.
Emulation has moments enemies need more hits than the arcade.
Arcade is much more easy and has less enemies in screen.
Other strange detail is the red fire demon. That red demon appear in MAME video in 12:25 if touch the player character lose all energy and not having energy recover item is game over.
If you watch the arcade video gameplay will see that red demon appear in intervals. In MAME gameplay the interval is much short and then in more others intervals that red demon appear in group of 2 or more in screen so almost impossible finish the game. In MAME gameplay in last stage even moving the player character faster to ahead that demon appear in end of stage so much hard to move in the clouds so I had used the cheat "to fly".

Please compare the videos. Arcade are 3 videos in sequence.

MAME 0.274 gameplay

Arcade video capture

In MAME if not moving the player character the more faster to ahead the red demon will appear in stage 2 and in some intervals in groups of 4 or more at same time.
You think that has anything wrong in that game.
Try play from stage 1 even with cheat "infinite energy" enabled. Red demon will appear in stage 2 and then in short intervals in groups. The gameplay will be absurd.

Have an nice day.
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Github Commit
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Affected Sets / Systems shadowld, youkaidk1 , youkaidk2
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