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09113 Sound Minor Always 8 days ago 6 days ago
Tester JimCarlTay View Status Public Platform MAME (Official Binary)
Assigned To Resolution Open OS Windows 10/11 (64-bit)
Status [?] Confirmed Driver
Version 0.274 Fixed in Version Build 64-bit
Fixed in Git Commit Github Pull Request #
Summary 09113: vanguard: Music is too loud, sound samples are too soft
Description During gameplay, it is noticeable that the music is a bit too loud to the point of drowning out the sound samples.
Steps To Reproduce On MAME, load the game, insert a coin, and press start. You can hear that the "Bon voyage" line is drowned out by the music.
Additional Information If the game is run on another emulator (FinalBurn Neo), there is a better volume balance between the sound samples and the music. There, the music is at a reasonable enough volume with the sound samples brought forward so that voice lines like the "Bon voyage" at the start and the player ship's laser are heard clearly.

The sample pack (with a name identical to the ROM set) must be added to the samples folder.
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Affected Sets / Systems vanguard
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User avatar
8 days ago
This can be fixed with volume mixing, but I'd still say it's a definite issue, the mixing used to be much more reasonable. Applies to all other SNK6502 games too.
User avatar
8 days ago
edited on: 8 days ago
Yeah, the slider controls can be used to alleviate this to a certain extent, but the bug best occurs when the volume sliders are set to their defaults of 100%. Unless I'm confusing this with the default volume mix originating from the driver.
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7 days ago
I don't think you're confusing anything.
User avatar
6 days ago
Confirmed. I didn't know it even had samples until I turned the samples volume all the way up. The explosion sound is barely audible too.