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ID Category [?] Severity [?] Reproducibility Date Submitted Last Update
03481 Debugger Major Always Oct 22, 2009, 18:20 Oct 24, 2009, 03:12
Tester Luigi30 View Status Public Platform MAME (Self-compiled)
Assigned To Resolution No change required OS Windows XP (32-bit)
Status [?] Closed Driver
Version 0.134u3 Fixed in Version 0.134u4 Build Normal
Fixed in Git Commit Github Pull Request #
Summary 03481: all PC-based sets: dasm disassembly is incorrect for PC BIOS
Description The dasm command produces a disassembly of a chunk of memory and puts it in the MAME folder. For PC-based sets a disassembly of the BIOS can be retrieved by running "dasm bios.asm,ffff0000,10000". When examined, the disassembly differs from the memory window.

Take pf2012 for example. The instruction at FFFF:FFF0 is EA 5B E0 00 F0. It is shown correctly in the memory window. However, the disassembler's output is offset by one address and is incorrect:

FFFFFFEF: 00 EA add dl,ch
FFFFFFF1: 5B pop bx
FFFFFFF2: E0 00 loopne 0FFFFFFF4h
FFFFFFF4: F0 lock

It is disassembled correctly if you start disassembling at FFFF:FFF0, so it should recognize the instruction. This could be an indication of it disassembling a previous instruction incorrectly and taking too many or not enough parameters causing the disassembly to shift, but I'm not sure. All 386, 486, and Pentium disassembly is handled by emu/cpu/i386/i386dasm.c.
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Affected Sets / Systems all PC-based sets
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Oct 22, 2009, 18:32
There's the correct description.
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Senior Tester
Oct 22, 2009, 19:13
I'm not sure it can be considered a bug. The alignment gets shifted during disassembly due to multi-byte opcodes etc. Sometimes it simply can't know where an opcode starts / ends unless you tell it. Somewhere in the process of interpreting opcodes and their parameters it becomes misaligned, and stays that way, it has no way of knowing better.

I'm sure it affects more than just the x86, but it's hard to consider it a bug because it's just the nature of diassemblers.
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Oct 24, 2009, 03:12
edited on: Oct 24, 2009, 03:13
not only "nature of disassemblers" but "nature of code execution"

jmp FFFFFFEF execute the code in the description
jmp FFFFFFF0 execute the other code

"the disassembly differs from the memory window" (-> dasm window)
it depends; we can select the first value to dasm in the window